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Public Notice



Thriving communities in balance with the natural environment


Notice is hereby given that the District Council of Purbeck intends after the expiry of the period mentioned below to apply to the Secretary of State for Health for confirmation of byelaws made by the Council under sections 14 (Acupuncture) and 15 (Tattooing, semi-permanent skin-colouring, cosmetic piercing and electrolysis) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 to secure within its District:

(a) the cleanliness of premises registered under those sections and fittings in such premises;

(b) the cleanliness of persons so registered and persons assisting persons so registered in their practice and

(c) the cleansing and so far as is appropriate the sterilization of instruments, jewellery, materials and equipment used in connection with the practice of acupuncture.

Copies of the byelaws will be kept at the offices of the council at Westport House, Worgret Road, Wareham, Dorset BH20 4PP and will be open to inspection without payment on any weekday during the usual office hours for one calendar month from and after the date of the first publication of this notice.

Copies of the byelaws will also be supplied on receipt of an application accompanied by a fee of £2.10.

Any objection to the application for the confirmation of the byelaws may be made by letter addressed to Department for Health, FAO Mr B. Cole, Room 104, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London. SW1A 0AA. S. Mackenzie, Chief Executive
16th December 2014

Published on 16/12/2014