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Public Notice

Borough of Poole Planning Permission

Boroughof Poole
I give notice that the following applications have been made to the Borough of Poole for planning permission:
TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE) (ENGLAND) ORDER 2015 NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 15 (4) OR (5) MAJOR DEVELOPMENT NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 15 (4) OR (5) APP/I5/004I7/F Demolition of existing Class A4 public house and redevelopment of the site to provide a three storey building comprising a ground floor Class AI convenience store including ATM and 10 Class C3 apartments at first and second floor level with dedicated external servicing, refuse and plant area, associated car parking, access arrangements and landscaping. Sea View Hotel, 638 Ashley Road.
APP/I5/004I7/F Demolition of existing Class A4 public house and redevelopment of the site to provide a three storey building comprising a ground floor Class
convenience store including ATM and 10 Class C3 apartments at first and second floor level with dedicated external servicing, refuse and plant area, associated car parking, access arrangements and landscaping. Sea View Hotel, 638 Ashley Road.
APP/I5/0065I/P Oudine application to demolish existing and erect a mixed use development comprising 2no ground floor A2 units with l2no two-bedroom flats with parking accessed from Victoria Road. 446-450a Ashley Road. APP/I5/00656/P Outline application to demolish existing hotel and erect a block of 27 apartments with associated parking, bin and cycle storage. Arndale Court Hotel, 60-66 Wimborne Road. PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 1990 NOTICE UNDER SECTION 67 & 73 APP/I5/00467/P Outline application to demolish the existing building and erection of 5 no. 2 'A storey detached dwelling houses. Wateridge House, 5 Burton Road.
APP/I5/00473/P Outline application to demolish the existing building and erection of a 3 'A storey block of 10 no. flats. Wateridge House, 5 Burton Road. APP/I5/00598/F Single storey flat roof extension to rear, 2-storey infill extension to side and a single storey garage extension to front with associated landscape works. 54 The Avenue. APP/15/00610/P Outline planning application for the change of use of the ground floor to an A3/A4 use and addition of first and second floors to form 6 self-contained flats above and a terrace of 4 dwellings at the rear with associated access, cycle and bin stores. 103-105 Commercial Road. APP/15/00601 If Erect a wood framed 2 bay car port. 12 Western Avenue.
APP/15/00621/F Alterations and extensions to dwelling to include: Two-storey side extension, single storey rear extension, roof extension, erection of garage and access drive off Mayfield Avenue. 24 Canford Cliffs Road. APP/I5/00639/F Demolish existing bungalow and construct 2 No. detached houses with integral garages. 9 Elmstead Road.
APP/15/00646/F Side extension and loft conversion. 86 Wimborne Road.
APP/15/00659/F Proposed replacement windows to North West, North East, South East elevations in white UPVC casements with leaded lights to first floor. 2 Brunstead Place.
APP/15/00694/F Construction of flat roofed dormer. Flat 4, 39 Chester Road. APP/15/00614/L Alterations and additions - removal of existing additions and replacement by new form extension. Knighton House, Knighton Lane.
APP/15/00618/C Change of use of first floor from residential to a salon academy centre. 102 & I02A High Street.
APP/15/00689/F Erecta balcony to first floor apartment Flat 3, La Fontenella, 156 Canford Cliffs Road. All applications, correspondence and planning application documents, can be viewed, and comments made, online at Alternatively applications may be viewed at Planning & Regeneration Services, Civic Centre, Poole, BHI5 2RU, Monday to Friday, 08.30 to 16.00. Any comments about the above applications should be made within 21 days of this publication date, quoting relevant reference number/s.
Planning & Regeneration Services, Civic Centre, Poole, BHI5 2RU,
As part of a National initiative aimed at improving planning services, the Borough of Poole invites you to take part in an on-line survey relating to this application. All responses will be treated as stricdy confidential and results will NOT allow you to be identified individually. No personal data will be passed on to any third party. In order to take part you will need to provide an email address when making your representation and we will then contact you for your views at the end of the application process.
Head of Planning & Regeneration Services Dated: 29/05/2015

Published on 29/05/2015