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Public Notice

Borough of Poole (Traffic Management)

Boroughof Poole
The Council of The Borough and Count/ of the Town of Poole, the Highway Authority in exercise of its powers under Section 1(1), 1(3), l(3A), 2(1), 2(2C), 2(4), 3(1), 4(1), 4(2), 4(3), 5, 19, 32, 35, 35A, 36,47,49,53,63A, 65,66,81,82,87,92, 126 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and 65(1), 66(4) and 90(A) of the Highways Act 1980 and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with paragraph 20 of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 proposes to make an Order the effect of which is as follows: NOWAITING AT ANYTIME MEANS DOUBLE YELLOW LINES
StAldhelm's Road
Impose No Loading and Unloading at Any Time restrictions on the western side of the road and on the eastern side at its junction with Lindsay Road. Impose No Waiting and No Loading or Unloading, Mon-Sat, 8am-6pm on the eastern side of the road from 14 metres south of its junction with Poole Road to 14 metres north of its junction with Lindsay Road.
Impose No Waiting and No Loading restrictions at the junction with St Aldhelm's Road.
Lindsay Road
Chalbury Close
Impose No Waiting at Any Time restrictions in the turning head outside Nos. 8 to 18 Chalbury Close
Harwell Road
Impose No Waiting at Any Time on the western side of Harwell Road, on both sides of the turning head and also at the entrance to Units 22-26.
Impose Yellow Box marking at the junction with Nettleton Close. Impose No Waiting at Any Time restrictions opposite Nettleton Close. Provide an additional disabled parking bay opposite No. 6.
Impose No Waiting at Any Time restrictions on the inside of the bend around No. 27.
Learoyd Road
Nettleton Close
Mitchell Road
Impose No Loading and Unloading at Any Time restrictions either side of the access to the Service Road alongside the Surgery.
Heath Avenue
Extend the existing No Waiting at Any Time restrictions on the southern side of the road for a distance of 10 metres in an easterly direction.
Hunt Road Devon Road
Impose No Loading and Unloading at Any Time restrictions, Mon-Fri, 8am-10am and 2pm-4pm from No. 58 to No. 76 and from No. 65 to No. 75 Hunt Road. Also in Devon Road from its junction with Hunt Road to the common boundary of Nos. 5 and 7.
St. Osmund's Road
Change the existing School Clearway restrictions outside Uplands School to apply at all times._
Western Road
Impose No Waiting at Any Time restrictions at the junction with Mornish Road.
Full details of the above proposals are contained in the Draft Order which, together with a plan showing the length of roads affected and a Statement of the Council's reasons for proposing to make the Orders, may be examined at Transportation Services, Room 159, Civic Centre, Poole BHI5 2RU. Enquirers are advised to please telephone (01202) 262000 before their visit to arrange a mutually convenient time with the appropriate Officer.
If you wish to object to or support any of the proposed Orders please send your comments, in writing, to the undersigned, by 6 August 2015. Any representations received may be made public.
J McLaughlin Msc, MCILT, MIHT, Head of Transportation Services, Room 159, Civic Centre, POOLE, Dorset BH15 2RU Email: 9 July 2015

Published on 09/07/2015