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Borough of Poole planning permission

Borough of Poole

I give notice that the following applications have been made to the Borough of Poole for planning permission: TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE) (ENGLAND) ORDER 2015 MAJOR DEVELOPMENT NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 15 (4) OR (5)

APP/I5/00803/F The creation of 25 self-contained Bl/ B2/B8 units within a shared access yard with associated parking and hard-standing, (revised scheme) Fancy Road APP/I5/00900/F Variation of condition 5 and 15 of permission APP/15/00259/F. Condition 5 as follows: "The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until the access, turning space, cycle parking and at least 85% of the car parking shown on the approved plans have been constructed, and these shall thereafter be retained and kept available for those purposes at all times." Condition 15 to replace drawing number 100001 _C with 100001 _D, I00002_E with I00002_F, I00007_E with I00007_F, IO0OIO_A with IOOOIO_B. Parkstone Yacht Club, Pearce Avenue


APP/15/00709/F Retrospective erection of attached conservatory (revised scheme) 14 Charborough Road APP/I5/0O823/F Alterations and change of use to rear warehouse extension to form 2 x I bedroom flats and associated cycle storage 141 High Street
APP/15/00861/F Construction of a detached dwelling house with integral double garage (Revised Scheme) Land adj. 7 Wilderton Road
APP/I5/00860/F Demolish existing and construction of a new block of 7 flats with basement car parking (Revised Scheme) Basing House, 7 Wilderton Road
APP/I5/00872/F Variation of Condition 2 of permission 14/01573/F to substitute approved plans for Nos. 2192/20a, 21 a, 22a, 23a, 25a & 26a to reduce building and garages. 3 Chesterfield Close
APP/15/00896/F Erect bicycle and garden store. The Hideaway, 19 Dover Road
APP/I5/00869/F Demolish existing buildings and erect a detached house with kitchen garden greenhouse and store, accessed from Blackwater Drive. 5a Blackwater Drive, Gravel Hill
APP/15/00891/C Change of Use for vacant shop (AI) to form extension to adjacent (no. 18) requiring A4. 16 Bournemouth Road

All applications, correspondence and planning application documents, can be viewed, and comments made, online at http// Alternatively applications may be viewed at Planning & Regeneration Services, Civic Centre, Poole, BHI5 2RU, Monday to Friday, 08.30 to 16.00. Any comments about the above applications should be made within 21 days of this publication date, quoting relevant reference number/s.

As part of a National initiative aimed at improving planning services, the Borough of Poole invites you to take part in an on-line survey relating to this application. All responses will be treated as strictly confidential and results will NOT allow you to be identified individually. No personal data will be passed on to any third party. In order to take part you will need to provide an email address when making your representation and we will then contact you for your views at die end of die application process.

Head of Planning & Regeneration Services Dated: 10/07/2015

Published on 10/07/2015