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Public Notice


I give notice that the following applications have been made to the Borough of Poole for planning permission:

APP/15/01434/R Reserved matters application following approval of outline application
APP/13/00271/P for details of the access from Magna Road; Appearance of two Industrial buildings; Landscaping of site; Layout and scale of development. Land South of Magna Road, West of Wheelers Lane

APP/ 15/01304/F Erect pitched roof 3 bay carport. 12 Western Avenue
APP/15/01389/F Side extension to form triplex flat with revised parking layout (Revised Scheme) Forest Lodge, 16 Burton Road
APP/15/01392/F The addition of 2 no. parking spaces to front garden with access from Kingland Road, and APP/ 15/01393/F To erect a garage with pitched roof. 67 Kingland Road
APP/15/01417/F Extend existing balcony. 2 Charborough Road
APP/15/01416/F Change of use and alterations to form a public house with flats over. 37-39 Parr Street APP/15/01422/F Erection of a new one storey outbuilding within part of the front garden (Revised Scheme) 31 Spencer Road
APP/15/01429/F Demolition of existing garage and extension to form integral garage, master suite and office (Revised Scheme) 15 Leicester Road
APP/15/01473/C Change of use to dental surgery Unit 7 Arrowsmith Court, 10 Station Approach
APP/15/01443/F Single Storey rear and side extension for additional habitable accommodation. 23 Winston Gardens
APP/15/01438/L Works to restrain and stabilise front gable wall to premises and tiling repairs to property frontage. Poole Arms, The Quay

All applications, correspondence and planning application documents, can be viewed, and comments made, online at Alternatively applications may be viewed at Planning & Regeneration Services, Civic Centre, Poole, BH15 2RU, Monday to Friday, 08.30 to 16.00. Any comments about the above applications should be made within 21 days of this publication date, quoting relevant reference number/s.

As part of a National initiative aimed at improving planning services, the Borough ofPoole invites you to take part in an on-line survey relating to this application. All responses will be treated as strictly confidential and results will NOT allow you to be identified individually. No personal data will be passed on to any third party. In order to take part you will need to provide an email address when making your representation and we will then contact you for your views at the end of the application process.

Head of Planning & Regeneration Services
Dated: 30/10/2015

Published on 30/10/2015