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Public Notice

Purbeck District Council Howards Lane

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applications have been received as follows:
6/2015/0660 Remove existing flue from roof and replace with sunlight,
install flue to wall and alter wall in bedroom to create shower room. Howards Lane (1), Wareham, BH20 4HU
6/2015/0707 Erect rear extension and external alterations and
refurbishmentoffarmhouse. Erectdetached carport/storeand create new vehicular access. Change of use and conversion of agricultural buildings to three holiday homes and associated facilities. Puddle Mill Farm, Church Knowle, BH20 5NU
6/2015/0708 Erect extension, internal alterations and refurbishment of farmhouse. Puddle Mill Farm, Church Knowle, BH20 5NU
6/2015/0711 Erect extension and carport. Ropers Lane (15), Wareham, BH20 4QT Householder Application
Membersofthe public mayinspectcopies ofan application, plans and other documents submitted with it at Purbeck District Council, Westport House, Worgret Road, Wareham, between 8.45 am and 4.45 pm Monday to Thursday and 8.45am to4.15on Friday. Anyone who wishestocommenton an application should write to the Development Control Manager at the above address within 21 days of the date of this notice quoting the application number. Letters received will be made available for public inspection.
Purbeck District Council, Westport House, Worgret Road, Wareham,
N.B: If the application is marked as a householder application, in the event of an appeal againsta refusal ofplanning permission, which is tobe dealtwith on the basis ofrepresentations in writing, anyrepresentations made aboutthis application will be senttotheSecretaryofState, and there will benofurther opportunitytocommentatappeal stage.
If the application is marked as a householder application, in the event of an appeal againsta refusal ofplanning permission, which is tobe dealtwith on the basis ofrepresentations in writing, anyrepresentations made aboutthis application will be senttotheSecretaryofState, and there will benofurther opportunitytocommentatappeal stage.

Published on 10/12/2015