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Public Notice

Borough of Poole

Boroughof Poole
I give notice that the following NMHIInmJ

applications have been made to the laJiimuiJd Borough of Poole for planning permission: MAJOR DEVELOPMENT NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 15 (4) OR (5) APP/I5/0I782/F Demolition of existing vacant office building and clearance of adjacent site, and erect two three store/ blocks of residential accommodation comprising of 19 no. I and 2 bed apartments with associated parking, bin and cycle stores, and public realm works on Globe Lane. APP/15/01799/F The development of 62 affordable I and 2-bed apartments in 3 blocks, including 6 flats for young persons with severe mental and physical impairment I Canford Heath Road. APP/I5/0I8I l/P Outline planning application for the demolition of the existing properties and the erection of two separate apartment buildings containing 20 flats in total with associated access, cycle and bin stores. (Revised Application) 66, 68 and 68a Lilliput Road.
APP/I6/00034/R Reserved Matters application following approval of Outline Application APP/15/00651 IP for details of the landscaping of the site. 450 Ashley Road.
APP/I5/0I825/F Alterations and extension to the existing garage by proposing a studio on the first floor and a sunroom on the ground floor. 5 MoorFields Road. APP/I6/00025/F To construct a timber framed housing, with timber boarding and slate roof, to protect the Canford School cricket scoreboard from the elements. Canford School, Canford Magna. APP/I6/00036/F Relief of Condition 9 of planning permission.
APP/I2/00536/F to remove the requirement to achieve Code Level 3 for Sustainable Homes. 10 Minterne Road.
APP/I6/00040/P Oudine planning application for the change of use of the ground floor to an A3 use and addition of first and second floors to form 4 self-contained flats above and a terrace of 3 dwellings at the rear with associated access, cycle and bin stores. (Revised scheme) 103 & land r/o 105 Commercial Road. APP/I5/0I637/F External alterations to include extraction flue. 90 High Street. APP/15/01698/L Listed building application for external alterations to include extraction flue, and internal alterations from retail to restaurant 90 High Street APP/I6/00037/F Repairs, conservation, restoration and replacement works to existing building, along with the insertion of 3 new rooflights. New paths and patio to rear. 22 St James Close. APP/I6/00038/L Repairs, conservation, restoration and replacement works to existing building, along with the insertion of 3 new rooflights. New paths and patio to rear. 22 St James Close. All applications, correspondence and planning application documents, can be viewed, and comments made, online at Alternatively applications may be viewed at Planning & Regeneration Services, Civic Centre, Poole, BHI5 2RU, Monday to Friday, 08.30 to 16.00. Any comments about the above applications should be made within 21 days of this publication date, quoting relevant reference number/s.
As part of a National initiative aimed at improving planning services, the Borough of Poole invites you to take part in an on-line survey relating to this application. All responses will be treated as strictly confidential and results will NOT allow you to be identified individually. No personal data will be passed on to any third parry. In order to take part you will need to provide an email address when making your representation and we will then contact you for your views at the end of the application process.
Head of Planning & Regeneration Services
Dated: 22/01/2016

Published on 22/01/2016