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Public Notice

Purbeck District Council Listed Building Dorset

NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that applications have been received as follows:
6/2016/0242 Change of use of agricultural land to recreational use as garden in association with Slepe Green, including the relocation of the mobile home. (part of existing garden of Slepe Green to be returned to agricultural land). Dorchester Road (Slepe Farm), Lytchett Minster, BH16 6HS
6/2016/0256 Form a rear extension. Corfe Road (69), Stoborough, | BH2O 5AE Householder Application
6/2016/0257 Form a rear extension. Corfe Road (69), Stoborough, |
6/2016/0267 Install dormer window on rear elevation and replace I existingwindow.EastStreet(114),CorfeCastle,Wareham, [ BH2O 5EQ Householder Application
6/2016/0268 Install dormer window on rear elevation, replace existing I window and internal alterations. EastStreet(114), Corfe
Castle, Wareham, BH2O5EQ
6/2016/0270 Install rooflights. East Street (114), Corfe Castle, |
Wareham, BH2O5EQ
6/2016/0277 Replacement of agricultural building - retrospective. I

Halls Road (Quarr Farm Bungalow), Lytchett Matravers, | BH166EP

6/2016/0281 Install a boiler flue at roof level Pound Lane (Fleur de Lis), |

Wareham, BH2O4LQ
6/2016/0282 Erect rear extension and external alterations and refurbishment of farmhouse. Change of use and conversion of agricultural buildings to three holiday homes and associated facilities. Puddle Mill Farm, Church Knowle,BH2O5NU 6/2016/0283 Erect extension, internal alterations and refurbishment of |
farmhouse. PuddleMill Farm, ChurchKnowle, BH2O5NU 6/2016/0285 ErectrearextensiontoformstudyandW.C.Rearwindow design amendment. High Street (The Cottage 170 | -NewtonManor), Swanage,BH192PFN 6/2016/0287 Restoration of the building exterior following the demolitionoftheformerschool,withsomeminorinternal alterationsSandfordRoad(ChurchatexStMartinsFirst School), Sandford,BH2O 7AJ Members ofthepublicmayinspectcopies ofan application, plans and other documents submitted with it at Purbeck District Council, Westport House, Worgret Road, Wareham, between 8.45 am and 4.45 pm MondaytoThursdayand8.45amto4.15onFriday. Anyonewhowishes to comment on an application should write to the Development Control Managerattheaboveaddress within21 daysofthedateofthis notice quoting the application number. Letters received will be made available for public inspection. N.B: If the application is marked as a householder application, in the event ofanappealagainstarefusalofplanningpermission,whichistobedealt with on the basis ofrepresentations in writing, anyrepresentations made aboutthisapplicationwillbesenttotheSecretaryofState,andtherewill benofurtheropportunitytocommentatappealstage.

Published on 19/05/2016