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Public Notice

Borough of Poole

I give notice that the following applications have been made to the Borough of Poole for planning permission:


APP/16/00852/P Outline planning application for a mixed use development consisting of changing the ground floor unit to an A3 (Restaurant and Cafe) use and addition of first and second floors to form 6 self-contained flats above and a flatted building at the rear consisting of 4 flats with associated access, cycle and bin stores. 103-105 Commercial Road


APP/16/00820/F Conversion to create additional 2 flats. Erect a single storey rear extension, alterations to roof creating additional accommodation with roof light on south east elevation, 2 roof lights on north east and dormer on north west. Car parking at rear accessed from St Mary's Road. Erect cycle and refuse store at rear and an external staircase on north east elevation. 77 Longfleet Road
APP/16/00826/F Erection of 3 car garage with pitched roof. 67 Kingland Road
APP/16/00860/F Extension to existing utility room and removal of existing flat roof over garage and erection of new pitched roof over garage. Removal of existing porch lean to roof and erection of new gable porch entrance. Replacement of windows. 37 Floral Farm APP/16/00874/F Demolish existing house and garage. Erect new block accommodating 3 flats with car parking and adjusted highway access. 7 Ridgeway APP/16/00877/F Variation of Condition 13 of Permission APP/16/00119/F as described in that Description of Development to substitute approved plans for the following new plans: Dwg No 5 Rev B, Dwg No 4 Rev F, Dwg No 8 Rev C, Dwg No 7 Rev
F, Dwg No 3 Rev F, Dwg No 6 Rev F, Dwg 2 Rev D 20 Bury Road
APP/16/00895/F Remove existing garage and build new garage with utility space 4A Erpingham Road
APP/16/00904/F Install 3no new air conditioning condensing units. (The external mechanical units will be installed on the flat roof at the rear of the building, where the existing condenser units are presently situated). Ino existing fire exit door at rear ground floor to be replaced by new door. Ino existing fire exit door at rear first floor to be replaced by new metal faced door. Installation of new metal landing, new handrails and steps for existing first floor fire escape access. Ino existing fire exit door at rear second floor to be replaced by new metal faced door. Ino existing window's glazing to be replaced with new in external ATM area. 100 High Street
APP/16/00921/F Demolish existing building and erect 3no. detached houses. 8 Minterne Road
APP/16/00928/F Alterations and extensions to existing dwelling 2 Western Avenue
APP/16/00941/F Variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission APP/15/01607/F as described in that Description of Development to add parapet wall and revise roof form, add dormer window to front and rear elevations. Parkwood, 26 Western Avenue
APP/I6/00954/F New front extension, garage conversion with new bay, new rear gable to increase habitable space. 27 Charborough Road APP/I6/00854/F & I6/00855/L Rear extension and internal works 5-7 Market Street
APP/I6/00888/F Single storey extension at rear and attached garage (demolish existing garage). 7 Denison Road
APP/I6/00858/F Creation of interactive leisure facility adjacent to tennis courts. Land Adjacent to Tennis Courts, Poole Park

All applications, correspondence and planning application documents, can be viewed, and comments made, online at Alternatively applications may be viewed at Planning & Regeneration Services, Civic Centre, Poole, BHI5 2RU, Monday to Friday, 08.30 to I6.00. Any comments about the above applications should be made within 2I days of this publication date, quoting relevant reference number/s. As part of a National initiative aimed at improving planning services, the Borough ofPoole invites you to take part in an on-line survey relating to this application. All responses will be treated as strictly confidential and results will NOT allow you to be identified individually. No personal data will be passed on to any third party. In order to take part you will need to provide an email address when making your representation and we will then contact you for your views at the end of the application process.

Head of Planning & Regeneration Services Dated: 24/06/2016

Published on 24/06/2016