With Stanley Green Infant Academy soon celebrating its 70th anniversary, the Echo looks back at when the teachers and pupils marked the golden jubilee.

There was a day of celebration for pupils past and present at the Poole school on June 17, 2004.

Stanley Green First School - as it was called back then was first opened in 1954 and has been going strong for the last 70 years.

Past pupils, including some who were there when the Oakdale school was opened, as well as past teachers and governors joined the mayor and mayoress of Poole, Les and Maryrose Burden, in the celebrations.

Then-present pupils took part in a special assembly where they were given a taste of what life was like during the 1950s from a series of slides and music from the era.

The oldest and the youngest children cut a 50th birthday cake in the shape of a 50 so they all had some cake.

A red oak tree was planted in the orchard with a special commemorative plaque and then they had a big street party.