‘THE Women’s Institute is not all jam and Jerusalem’.

That’s the message from Canford and Merley WI group as it seeks to find new members.

A spokesperson for the group said: “We are women of all ages and backgrounds who come together once a month on a Wednesday evening for social, educational and fun events.

“Interesting and entertaining speakers, social get togethers and celebrations. 

"Don’t be shy we will welcome you with open arms.  Come and meet us, enjoy the company and conversation and chat to like minded people.”

Canford and Merley WI meets at 7.30pm on the second Wednesday of the month at the Merley Community Centre in Harrier Drive, Merley.

Upcoming events include speaker Helen Baggott on July 10, a craft evening on August 14 and line dancing on September 11.

The first three meetings are free.

For more information, contact the group president on 01202 885866.