WITH less than two weeks to go until the general election, campaigns are reaching their peak as residents prepare to go to the polls.

With candidates from across the political spectrum standing in Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole and the surrounding areas, the Daily Echo posed the same six questions to each, to see what they would say.

Each was given the opportunity to respond, with word limits for each answer to keep answers to the point.

We will be publishing the answers of every candidate, with candidates for each constituency grouped together.

Yesterday, we published the responses of the candidates standing in Bournemouth West.

Today, it is the turn of the Bournemouth East candidates. 

(Image: Newsquest)

CONSERVATIVE: Tobias Ellwood

What is your policy on housing?

Let’s build communities not just houses and not on our Greenbelt! Intense infilling and HMOs - without local job opportunities is not the answer. The huge Hurn airport estate, where thousands work, offers a viable opportunity to build a vibrant new community - our own Poundbury or mini Canary Wharf.

What is your policy on the NHS?

I’m pleased my campaign to merge Poole and Bournemouth hospitals happened, their new Critical Care Unit is welcome news. The health budget has jumped from £97bn to £162bn, with more than 37,000 more doctors trained, waiting lists for operations and access to GPs must be a priority for the next Government.

What are your top three priorities for the area and why?

1) A sustainable development strategy

2) increased policing

3) environmental protection.

We need to be diversifying our funding streams, taking a more sustainable, business approach to local governance that feeds back into our area. This starts with ensuring we get the basics right -filling potholes, cutting the grass/hedges, restore playgrounds.

(Image: Tobias Ellwood)

What is the biggest change you want to bring to your constituency?

Increased police presence so residents feel safe. Police numbers are up as we benefit from an extra 174 officers for Dorset but let’s see them back on our streets. I’m pleased my personal lobbying has already secured us a Violence Reduction Unit, specifically to tackle knife crime, and extra funding.

What is the biggest issue that residents have raised on the campaign trail?

Local assets are being cut or sold; including carparks, King’s Park Nursery, the Air Festival, public paddling pools, our beaches blue flag status. And now we’re threatened with a default town 20 mph speed limit. Let’s replace this defeatist, short-term thinking with a vison to rekindle our town’s strengths.

How will you split your time between Westminster and your constituency?

As an MP engagement with constituents was constant, regardless of my location. Every day my team and I handled dozens of communications - dealing with small and large issues - regularly involving BCP council. Most Thursdays, Fridays and weekends I’d visit schools, local businesses, community groups and hold constituent surgeries.

LABOUR: Tom Hayes

What is your policy on housing?

We will build 1.5m homes including social housing, reducing housing costs not confining people to costly private rental property. We will improve standards for renters, abolish ‘no-fault’ evictions, improve safety, reform planning and ban new leasehold flats. I have run a homelessness service and want to end homelessness.

(Image: Newsquest)

What is your policy on the NHS?

Cut waiting lists to under 18 weeks, inspire NHS staff to stay and train thousands more. Save lives by doubling cancer scanners. Offer two million extra NHS operations, scans, and appointments, allowing people to be seen quicker. As a health charity CEO, we need greater access to mental health support.

What are your top three priorities for the area and why?

I will:

  • Ensure people can see GPs/dentists when they need
  • Through government investment, make our town centre safer and more enjoyable providing an exciting offer which encourages return visitors
  • End the sewage in our sea, which greedy water companies are currently tarnishing without consequences.

What is the biggest change you want to bring to your constituency?

Growth, growth, growth. I want our local economy to develop new sectors, bringing investment and attention and giving well paid, skilled jobs, apprenticeships and new opportunities to local people. I will give local, young people reasons to stay here when many feel forced to leave.

What is the biggest issue that residents have raised on the campaign trail?

The cost-of-living crisis is the issue I hear most at the 40,000 doors we have knocked on over the past 20 months. We need to lower housing costs by building homes and reduce energy costs through GB Energy. A genuine Living Wage will end the reasons for the cost-of-living crisis.

How will you split your time between Westminster and your constituency?

I live in East Cliff and can’t represent you unless I listen to your views - through surgeries and a drop-in office. I will visit schools, community groups, and people’s doorsteps, so I can use my time midweek in Parliament to lobby for investment in our town and public services.

LIBERAL DEMOCRAT: Jon Martin Nicholas

What is your policy on housing?

The Liberal Democrats want to build 150,000 affordable/social homes each year. Coupled with this would be moves to prevent land laying dormant, when there is palpable need and to force home building if developers are slow. No fault evictions have to go as well. I would like to see stamp duty reduced for those fresh on the housing ladder.

What is your policy on the NHS?

Cancer treatment 62 days after diagnosis, full scale recruitment of urgently needed staff. Proper link between health and social care established. Fund and support mental health services. Actually have NHS dentists not just the NHS signs outside private clinics.

What are your top three priorities for the area and why?

Create incentives for empty buildings and shops to be used as it makes economic sense, and raises confidence.

Bring back youth provision, because it should never have gone in the first place.

Protect our natural and shared spaces because they are a resource for everyone and enhance wellbeing.

(Image: Liberal Democrats)

What is the biggest change you want to bring to your constituency?

I would like to see the return of youth clubs and the use of our wonderful surroundings for more social and inclusive use. For example the Hengistbury Head activity centre has much to offer, but needs a boost. I would work to help reinvigorate our local resources, and ensure clean seas and rivers. Positive activity prevents negativity.

What is the biggest issue that residents have raised on the campaign trail?

There have been many, and they are all big, social exclusion and lack of opportunities/activities for young people which leads to helplessness and fear, which breeds mistrust.

Some people are talking more and more about "no-go areas" this is sad and by no means exclusive to Bournemouth.

How will you split your time between Westminster and your constituency?

I would hope to maintain a high level of availability and presence. I would relish the chance to express the challenges and opportunities of the town I know best in Westminster and I could only do that by being here as much as possible.


What is your policy on housing?

We have a housing crisis caused by price gouging banks, greedy property developers and cartel like mega-landlords, but the solution is simple.

• Build 150,000 new council houses a year.

• End ‘right to buy’.

• Introduce rent controls.

• End all no-fault evictions.

What is your policy on the NHS?

• Pass the NHS Reinstatement Bill to abolish wasteful competition within the NHS.

• Re-establish public bodies and restrict the role of commercial companies.

• Renegotiate the NHS dental contract so everyone can have an NHS dentist.

What are your top three priorities for the area and why?

Crime - the town centre and other areas are not safe, with anti-social behaviour now commonplace.

Transport - This is one of the most congested UK towns, we need genuine affordable alternatives to the car and better planned roads.

Housing - we have a drastic shortage of three and four bedroom family homes.

(Image: Newsquest)

What is the biggest change you want to bring to your constituency?

Nationally we need food, energy and water security, sovereignty and sustainability. Bournemouth is blessed with the opportunity for impressive offshore and onshore wind energy production, and could have a far stronger fishing and farming industry with the right policies to support it. Making this happen would be my goal.

What is the biggest issue that residents have raised on the campaign trail?

Corruption, we lose billions to dodgy deals and contracts like those issued during Covid. People recognise if politicians and their friends stopped stealing and fiddling expenses we would have lower taxes and properly funded public services. People recognise Labour are just as untrustworthy as the Tories on this.

How will you split your time between Westminster and your constituency?

My wife and I have two young children, we are settled here and would not consider moving. The Weymouth to London line is one of the better parts of our rail network, many people live here and work in London, I would happily do the same.

REFORM UK: Martin James Houlden

What is your policy on housing?

To solve the housing crisis you need to address both the supply and demand. We would fast-track planning and tax incentives for development of brownfield sites to increase supply, and stop all non-essential inward migration to reduce demand.

What is your policy on the NHS?

The NHS will always remain free. We will end doctor and nurse shortages – all frontline NHS staff pay zero basic rate tax for three years. Write off student loans for all medical staff who work in the NHS for 10 years. Put patients in charge with a new voucher scheme.

(Image: Martin Houlden)

What are your top three priorities for the area and why?

To stop all non-essential immigration and deport foreign criminals. This will help to ease the pressure on housing and healthcare and increase local wages.

What is the biggest change you want to bring to your constituency?

I want to make Bournemouth as safe and welcoming as it used to be. We live in a beautiful part of the world, yet sadly it is becoming more violent and dangerous. People – especially women – should feel safe to walk through the town centre at night without harassment.

What is the biggest issue that residents have raised on the campaign trail?

Many voters are now realising that the huge amount of inward migration (both legal and illegal) is now detrimental to our society. Our public services simply cannot cope! Hospitals, GPs, schools and infrastructure are beyond breaking point. Suitable housing is a distant dream for millions.

How will you split your time between Westminster and your constituency?

Unlike some other candidates, I’ve lived in Bournemouth for more than 25 years. It’s my home, my family are here, the kids go to school here. So whilst I’ll be in Westminster for half of the week, I’ll be here for the rest of the time.

INDEPENDENT: Kieron Wilson

What is your policy on housing?

We need to be building more truly affordable housing, putting an end to families and children in Bed and Breakfast; which in the last year, since I took over the role at the council, I have reduced by 33 per cent. Just two priorities of many in this area.

What is your policy on the NHS?

I have worked at Bournemouth Hospital, and I know it needs reform and the right funding in the right places. Reducing the reliance on expensive agency staff and encouraging and supporting young people into these caring professions. Improved access to dentistry. Free at the point of use, always.

(Image: Daily Echo)

What are your top three priorities for the area and why?

Education, housing, and care. These are fundamental foundations for me. We need to ensure our schools are properly funded, no cuts to the teaching quality. Everyone deserves a safe, affordable, place they can call home. And no one should have their quality of life hindered waiting for the right care.

What is the biggest change you want to bring to your constituency?

Bring back a sense of pride in the place we love. Having lived here my entire life I know what Bournemouth is all about; good people, a beautiful environment and most importantly a safe place to live. So I want to make sure that Bournemouth is that and more.

What is the biggest issue that residents have raised on the campaign trail?

Difficult to pick the biggest, being tough on crime, having public services that work, the cost of living, the list goes on. But a common theme throughout is there is no trust in politicians or politics. A feeling the biggest parties are out to gain power, not to improve things.

How will you split your time between Westminster and your constituency?

I can guarantee I won’t be one of these MPs you never hear from again after they are elected. I think it would be split evenly, I need to be in Westminster representing you, but I have to be around to hear your views.


What is your policy on housing?

Build, build, build. The SDP pledge to build 100,000 social homes per year via a state backed British Housing Corporation.

What is your policy on the NHS?

Reform. Ween ourselves off cheap immigrant labour and train the staff we need to satisfy its need.

What are your top three priorities for the area and why?

Reduce crime, fix our roads & fix the housing market. Why? Because they’re the everyday issues that residents have to deal with. Bournemouth never used to be like this and I’m sick of the decline.

What is the biggest change you want to bring to your constituency?

An MP that actually cares for the constituency they represent. Someone who understands our plight and try’s to fix the problems.

What is the biggest issue that residents have raised on the campaign trail?

Knife crime. Stabbings used to be things that didn’t happen here, and now there’s one every month.

How will you split your time between Westminster and your constituency?

Bournemouth is and always be my home. I live here, I grew up here I’ll spend as much time as I necessary to serve the people here; likewise I don’t believe in absenteeism, if I need to be in Westminster I will be to achieve the changes necessary.