AN independent candidate said that his campaign has been ‘really positive’, despite it being ‘very difficult’ standing outside of the major parties.

Kieron Wilson, who is a BCP Council councillor and cabinet member, stood in the Bournemouth East constituency.

Speaking on his campaign, he told the Daily Echo: “It’s been really positive, everyone is looking for a change.

“The country is in a really strange place at the minute and I think people want something different, and I think we’re going to see that tonight.

“The campaign has been really positive and I think the country is just looking for a change.”

Mr Wilson said those who he spoken to on the doorstep had been ‘really positive’ and ‘really kind’.

“I think people are very respectful of the independents but I think with a general election, people are generally wanting to effect who is going to be the leader, who is going to be prime minister,” Mr Wilson said.

“So, they are tending to vote for one of the two major parties so it is very difficult as an independent.”

The independent candidate is aiming to get his deposit back on the night.

He said: “[I’ve] just got to see, a nice percentage of the votes would be lovely, but I really don’t know. I’ve only just arrived and I haven’t seen my name too many times.”