EXIT polls say it's 'too close to call' in Mid Dorset and North Poole, predicting a possible Lib Dem gain of 61%.

Liberal Democrat candidate Vikki Slade said she is 'sick to her stomach' as she awaits the final result.

Vikki said: "We fought such a strong campaign, and we've had such a good reception that we're just hoping we can carry it through for people.

The 2024 general election is the fourth time Vikki is running as a Lib Dem candidate for her constituency. However, she said she had noticed a change in people's responses.

She said: "This time has certainly felt very different. People have been much more excited about the prospect.

"There hasn't been a sort of resistance to stuff that there perhaps has been in the past, but, yeah, we'll just have to see."

Vikki added, "I have been shocked looking at the results elsewhere at how well Reform seems to have done."