CONSERVATIVE candidate and previous MP Tobias Ellwood has said his party must ‘rekindle its sense of purpose’ as it appears set to lose significant ground in the general election.

The Bournemouth East candidate said his campaign had been ‘an amazing experience’ but that the Conservative Party must ‘redefine itself’.

He told the Daily Echo: “I try to stand up as somebody of principle, of determination, energy and vigour.

“I think it's come across that people like that. They like a strong voice for Bournemouth.

“I’ve had to challenge the council on occasions and indeed my own party and it reminds us that it's not just a rush of numbers to work out who's going to have the keys to Number Ten.

“It's also about the legislature, it's about scrutiny of government, it's about having strong voices.

“It's about illustrating statecraft, being able to provide some experience and expertise to parliament as well.

“Unfortunately, our elections have become very presidential. You know, it's all about the one individual and how that one individual does.

“But it's also about who you send to parliament, who is the voice that's actually going to represent the people of Bournemouth east. And so that has been very moving indeed.”

Mr Ellwood said the count in Bournemouth East was ‘too early’ to call.

“Britain is about to undergo a massive political change of chapter and because of the numbers and so forth,” he said.

“My party needs to regroup.

“It needs to rekindle its sense of purpose. Redefine itself.

“I think for too long the party has been wanting to, certainly from the leadership perspective, the prime ministers wanted to go in a particular direction.

“And the last 18 months has been good. You know, calmer political waters, fiscal responsibility.

“Unfortunately, the tribal warfare inside it has been very damaging indeed. We're a broad church, but the nation will only bestow trust in my party if we actually work together, if we look unified, if we're consolidated.

“The fundamental change that needs to take place is that the party leadership needs to be selected by MP's, parliamentarians, not the base itself.

“Otherwise, wannabe leaders will continue to make noise that actually disrupt and distract. And that is one reason why we're being punished in this election.”

On the constituency result, he added: “The good people of Bournemouth have spoken. Let's see what they've said.”