LABOUR made history again as Neil Duncan-Jordan gained Poole for the party after multiple recounts.

Mr Duncan-Jordan defeated previous MP, Conservative Sir Robert Syms, by just 18 votes.

Tension was high as the votes were recounted for the third time.

The votes were first subject to a ‘bundle flick’ recount, as the margin was understood to be fewer than 100 votes between the leading two parties.

Following this, the gap narrowed to just six, and a full recount was ordered.

Then a further partial recount took place, after which the final results were announced, with Mr Duncan-Jordan beating his Conservative rival 14,168 to 14,150 votes.

(Image: Richard Crease)

In his acceptance speech, Mr Duncan-Jordan thanked the other candidates, as well as those working at the polling stations, the police and others involved in the electoral process.

He said: “But I tell you something, we’ve made history tonight.

“Never in the history of this constituency have you had a Labour MP and that changes now.”

Mr Duncan-Jordan spoke about the calls for change from those he met on the doorsteps of Poole.

“When people say to you it doesn’t matter, voting, I don’t know why people bother,” he said.

“The fact that I got in by 18 votes shows how important it is that you exercise your democratic right and get out there and vote.

“The other thing that was very clear, talking to people on the doorstep was that they wanted a different kind of society.

“They wanted a society that is compassionate, that’s caring and that does the right thing for working class people.

“That’s what I intend to do as the MP for Poole.”

Sir Robert congratulated Neil on his victory.

“It has been the greatest privilege of my life to represent this constituency since 1997, it’s a very precious place and I wish him well,” he said.

“If he wants to pick up the phone and have a chat with me about any help and advice with the new job, Id be happy to do that.

“I congratulate Poole Labour Party on their victory.

“Politics has its ups and it has its downs. I’m sure the Conservative Party will be back. We have a fantastic team in Poole. Democracy will live and we will live to fight another day.

“So thank you very much and thank you for the privilege of allowing me to serve.”

The full result in Poole is:

Leanne Barnes (UKIP) 325

Joe Cronin (Ind) 698

Andrei Silviu Dragotoniu (Ref) 7,429

Neil Duncan Jordan (Lab) 14,168

Robert Andrew Raymond Syms (Con) 14,150

Oliver John Walters (LD) 5,507

Sarah Catherine Ward (Grn) 2,218