DORSET’S Liberal Democrat MP is concerned about a ‘missed opportunity’ as she calls on the government to give asylum seekers the right to work.

Using her first question in the chamber since being elected as MP for Mid Dorset & North Poole three weeks ago, Vikki Slade asked Dame Angela Eagle, Minister of State in the Home Office, if she would commit to wor

king alongside campaign groups such as Lift the Ban to give asylum seekers the right to work.

According to a 2022 YouGov poll, 81% of people support the right to work for those seeking asylum, but currently, when they are successful, asylum seekers have little choice but to present as homeless to the local authority as they have no deposit or income to provide a potential private landlord.

Mrs Slade said: “Many councils, like Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole, where I was formerly the leader, have joined the Lift the Ban coalition & support the right to work for all asylum seekers after six months.

“This would reduce the homelessness burden on councils, improve asylum seekers mental health and integration with the host community, fill vacancies in our economy and boost taxation.”

The Home Office Minister responded by saying the answer is to speed up the asylum system and swiftly remove those who don’t have a right to be here whilst ensuring those that can be integrated and begin to work.

Following this response, Vikki said, “Whilst I welcome confirmation that the Government will be focussing on clearing the backlog, with more than 130,000 people still awaiting a decision, I am concerned that this is a missed opportunity.”