A SEVERE Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) has been triggered across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole amid high temperatures.

The SWEP, activated by BCP Council and partners, is issued to support people experiencing homelessness.

Homelessness charity St Mungo's will try to offer shelter to all people sleeping rough in the conurbation by providing emergency accommodation.

Sara Turner, senior services manager at St Mungo's, said: “We are seeing huge spikes in temperatures currently and the risk for rough sleepers is greatly increased during the hottest days.

“The people we support often have existing health conditions which can be exacerbated by the heat, also they may have limited access to things most people take for granted such as fresh drinking water, sun screen or even places where they can get out of the sun – all of which can lead to serious medical problems.

“Our expert Outreach teams are working tirelessly to make sure people are supported during the intense heat. This weather may be welcomed by many but for others it can be so dangerous, even life threatening. The risk is great not just for people but also for their pets too.

“We urge members of the public to take action if they see someone who is homeless. It can be as simple as offering a drink or some sun protection.

“Anyone concerned about a person who is street homeless can contact StreetLink which is a national service which connects people sleeping rough to local support. And, as ever, if someone is in an emergency situation people should call 999.”