WORK has started on Dorset's 'largest public mural', located under Bournemouth’s Braidley Road flyover.

The Creatives of Dorset mural is a collaborative project that began in July with a design from Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) students.

The project is expected to be complete by September.

The mural is a cooperation between BCP Council, LUSH and AUB.

Vincent Larkin, course leader of the illustration course at AUB, said: "BCP approached the BA illustration course and asked if our students would be interested in transforming the Braidley Road underpass area.

"BCP wanted us to design a dynamic cultural landmark for the route between the town centre and Meyrick Park, one of the main walking routes into town for students.

"The space under the flyover is vast, and the mural will be the largest in Dorset once completed."

The mural will feature 15 local creatives including internationally renowned singer-songwriter PJ Harvey, who was born in Bridport and Hollywood actor Millie Bobby Brown, who grew up in Bournemouth.

Bridie Cheeseman and Jake Williams from a Bournemouth creative studio, Studio Studio, are assisting in the design process of the mural.

Bridie said: "This is such a wonderful and transformational project; to be able to champion well-known and sometimes lesser-known stories and building an iconic artistic location to celebrate creative activity in Dorset is so important."

Marten Sims, senior lecturer on the BA (Hons) graphic design said: "We’ve done a lot of research into the power of creative public spaces, place-making and wellbeing evidence.

"By turning this unloved space into a ‘place’, it will encourage people to spend time there looking at the artwork."

The 15-metre-high mural is currently scaled with scaffolding to provide 'floors' for students to work on.

Illustration student Gracie Davison said: "I think the most challenging part of the actual painting is getting perspective, we’re so close to the wall up there, and the wall is so incredibly large.

"It requires a lot of stopping and going to look at ground level to check everything looks okay from there."

Cllr Andy Martin, portfolio holder for customer, communications and culture at BCP Council, said: "I’m delighted this exciting project is underway and cannot wait to see the result when completed."