THE family of an “heroic” teenager who died while saving his family have returned to Poole on the third anniversary of his death.

Callum Baker-Osborne was just 18-years-old when he drowned after saving his nieces and nephews in the water off Rockley Park on July 26, 2021.

Last month, his family returned to Poole to present a cheque to the Poole Lifeboat volunteers for £7,853.43, smashing last year's record.

Callum’s Day part three was a huge fundraising event held at Pinley Rugby Club in Coventry, where Callum played ruby.

Anne-Marie Clark, Poole Lifeboat volunteer, said: “We are truly grateful to Callum’s family and friends for the incredible fundraising efforts, they have raised over £18K in the past three years which is a true testament to Callum’s memory, and we know that they are already planning for next year.”

Callum, his mother, sister and several nieces and nephews became caught in strong currents.

An inquest held at Bournemouth Town Hall in January 2023, heard how the builder from Coventry prevented at least three young family members from drowning, before succumbing to exhaustion.

The party became separated in the current and following an extensive search, Callum’s body was found four days later approximately one mile away at Lake Pier in Hamworthy.

During the inquest, Callum was described as “heroic” after he sacrificed himself to save his loved ones from drowning.

Anne-Marie added: “We will remember Callum and we know that his family not only raise the money that helps us to be there for other people in difficulties, but they also raise awareness and pass on the sea safety messages, knowing how important that it is, we are immensely grateful for all the support.

“We also share Callum’s story, knowing that if we can help another family or just pass on some nugget of information, that someone stores away and thinks back to, just when they need it, then it might just make a difference.

“Poole will always have Callum and his family in its heart.”