POPULAR Christchurch pub, Thomas Tripp, has become a free house after the successful purchase of its freehold. 

The Thomas Tripp pub on Wick Lane, Christchurch, has been returned to its status as a free house after owners Dave Burns and Jason Giddings successfully purchased the building's freehold. 

The purchase means that the pub is now fully independent and can choose the beverages it sells, wanting to source from local businesses in the future.

Dave said: "Buying the Thomas Tripp and the land it stands on has been a huge step and major milestone for us.

"We are looking forward to it continuing to be the hub of the community for many years to come.”

Known in Christchurch as 'The Tripp', the pub dates back to 1750 and is well-known in the area for its atmosphere and live entertainment. 

Since taking over the pub in 2022, Dave and Jason have invested time and money into redecorating the interior of the pub and creating a garden bar and expanding the pub's outdoor kitchen. 

Jason said: "We know this is just one of the many big steps we are aiming to take to make Christchurch a must-visit location in the county.

"We are looking forward to this next chapter, and we hope to strive as a free house for many decades to come.”

The two owners are also known for their involvement in the popular Xchurch Music Festival as the lead organisers of the event.

Supporting several charities, including Macmillan Caring Local, Helping Homeless Veterans UK and The Dorset Children Foundation, Dave and Jason have expressed keen interest in helping build a lasting impact in Christchurch. 

The pub celebrates itself as 'unpretentious' in its food, beer and wine while offering value for money. 

Named after smuggler and brigand, Thomas Tripp, the pub claims that the well-known figure was arrested in the pub itself before being taken to the Tower of London to be hanged. 

Offering a variety of options on its menu curated by chef Quentin Royles, the pub states it aims to 'keep it local' and hopes that regaining its title as a free house will enable it to further this goal.