A DUCK was hospitalised after it was shot with a ball bearing.

An x-ray photo shows the damage done after a ball bearing was fired into a duck’s body.

The animal is now recovering and receiving treatment at Moyles Court Wildlife Hospital.

In a post on social media, a spokesperson for Moyles Court Wildlife Hospital said: “We are always busy here at the Wildlife Rescue Hospital but wanted to post just a few of our recent admissions who have needed our help. 

“This duck who is yet another casualty found trying her best to manage with her painful broken wing having been shot with a ball bearing. 

“Already this year we have admitted many shot birds all needing surgery here at our hospital. If possible, we repair their fractures.

“Our veterinary surgeon and qualified team always do their very best for each and every creature that we admit.”

Over the past year, the wildlife hospital has rescued over 200 ducklings and their mothers.

One person commented: “It's more than sad it's so disappointing to think it starts at a young age to respect all animals & wildlife if not then none for humans. Dreadful and appalling.

“Thank you so much your wonderful team for doing all you can for these precious lives .”