AS YOUR local councillor, I very much share your concerns regarding the low water levels at the wildlife pond in Queen's Park (Echo, August 5). It's a hugely important part of the space and somewhere I regularly enjoy with my family, especially my 2 girls who love to feed the ducks there.

At the beginning of July, the water levels got so low it began to expose the bottom of the pond and the ducks could no longer swim across it.  I had never seen it get this low in the 30 years I have lived in the area.  A number of residents got in touch with me to express their worries about the effect this was likely to be having on the wildlife, including the heron, ducks, and visiting egrets.  One suggestion was to partially refill the pond with mains water. 

I contacted our lead Biodiversity Officer who conducted a prompt assessment of the pond, wildlife and likely causes of the unusually low water levels.  His assessment was:

- Overgrowth of vegetation in the drainage ditch that feeds the pond was affecting the supply of rainwater.  This is usually cleared every 2 years and is currently at it's maximum.

- An increased presence of invasive holly and rhododendron on the slopes to the pond was also preventing water from entering the pond naturally.

- Build up of silt and mud in the pond was affecting the overall water holding capacity and would need to be removed in thirds so as not to disturb the biodiversity at that level too much by taking it all out at once.

He also advised that a hose should not be used to refill the pond due to background levels of chlorine in mains water. Aquatic organisms are 100x more sensitive to chlorine than humans and it would do more harm than good in the long term.

The necessary works have been scheduled by the grounds team and there shouldn't be any long term harm to the ecosystem, although if the current hot spell continues, it may get worse before it gets better.

I appreciate your concerns and hope it helps to know that this is being monitored and taken seriously.  I'm happy to answer any further questions on this matter from yourself or any other concerned park users.  Feel free to drop me an email:

Cllr Alasdair Keddie

Queen's Park & Charminster councillor