A GROUP of people from Poole have spent the last two years fundraising nearly £30,000 for charities across Dorset.

The group, Erasure-ish, is named after the popular British synth-pop duo Erasure. 

Co-founder Paul said: “My brother founded the group after he found out that a friend of ours was going blind so we decided to put on a charity event just as a one-off, to raise some money for his charity, Fight for Sight.

“All of a sudden we had charities left right and centre, asking if we would do gigs for them so we decided to do four charity events a year for different charities.

“It just went mental. Everybody wanted us. It was great.

“We sing to the eighties and nineties icon band and we even have a DJ that plays music with us now and again.

“It's been a real good, fun two years raising all this amount of money and putting smiles on people's faces.

“It would just be nice to get a little bit more and to go out with a big bang right at the end of December.”

Erasure-ish is made up of Paul who manages social media, Nikki, the admin manager, Mark the founder, Jimmy the lead singer and Craig the keyboard player.

Paul added: “We want to raise £40,000 to round off the last two years.

“We have been raising money for local charities here in Dorset for the last two years.

The group has raised £28,726.15p so far.

Paul said: “We have three charity events left this year until we hang up the rainbow outfits for good and we are trying to push our goal to £40,000 before the last charity event in December.

“We do all of this in our spare time and do not receive a penny for it.

“Charities include Tyler's Friends, Ashley's Birthday Bank, Dorset Air Ambulance.

“Our last three charity events include Amelia's Rainbow, The Steve Bernard Foundation and last but not least SPRING - supporting parents and Relatives through baby loss.”