A WOMAN was left petrified after her ex-partner posted revenge porn on social media and threatened to kill her family.

Nicholas Bentley was ordered to stay away from his victim by a court restraining order but breached it within two days.

Prosecutor, Charles Gabb, told Bournemouth Crown Court on August 12 that Bentley had been convicted of engaging in coercive behaviour after the relationship turned sour.

The defendant accused the woman of having affairs and used emotional blackmail to make her stay with him, including sending a picture of a noose around his neck.

The pair separated on June 3, 2023, but agreed to meet the following day in Bournemouth Winter Gardens car park.

He immediately accused her of cheating, calling her a ‘wh***’, ‘sl**’, cheater and liar.

Bentley then threatened to stab the woman’s mum before she noticed a knife in his pocket and called the police.

Officers arrested the defendant, after a short chase, but he was later released.

He then said in a text message: “You keep pushing and pushing and pushing, and take the piss out of me, and now here is the snap b***h.”

The woman told police she feared for her life when she saw the knife.

On October 20, 2023, Bentley was sentenced to 20 months in prison, suspended for two years and handed a restraining order against the woman for 10 years.

However, on October 22 the defendant began messaging her, saying: “You may have won the battle but I will win the war” and “send me back to prison I don’t care I like it.”

The victim said she was scared to leave her house as Bentley had previously slept in a tent in a field near where she lives.

On October 28, the defendant was arrested for stalking and harassment after text messages describing what the woman was wearing and her location, indicated he was watching her.

However, he was released again and on December 2 the woman became aware Bentley had uploaded naked pictures of her on social media alongside her name.

He would also continuously call the victim, with one night calling her 12 times.

When she told him to leave her alone, he said: “I will buy your daughter a headstone.”

On December 17 Bentley was arrested and remanded in prison, where he told officers the woman had lied about everything.

In an emotional statement read to the court, the woman said: “Nicholas has ruined my life, I cannot trust anyone anymore, especially men.”

She added: “I am absolutely petrified of him.”

Rachel Bailey, mitigating, said the defendant has poor mental health and has difficulty dealing with his emotions.

A psychiatrist said in a statement that Bentley has complex PTSD and difficulty sustaining a relationship due to his chronic lack of self-esteem.

He told the psychiatrist: “I just want to be loved.

“If someone loves me, I do not want to lose them.”

Judge William Mousley said Bentley sent “vile and frightening messages” and breached the restraining order at the very earliest opportunity he had.

Bentley, 26 and of Ambassador Close in Christchurch, was jailed for two years and six months for possession of a bladed article, breach of a restraining order and breach of a suspended sentence.