DECAYING hotels that have been left to ruin for years are set for a major refurbishment to bring them back to their "former glories".

The Marriot Group is looking to fully refurbish the Collingwood and Kerley hotel buildings behind the Bournemouth Highcliff Marriott Hotel on the same grounds. 

Bosses at the hotel are proposing the two buildings include 41 guest rooms, a gym, meeting rooms and an executive room. 

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Meanwhile, both buildings of the formerly independent hotels in Kerley Road, West Cliff, are expected to be connected to “create an efficient servicing strategy”. 

(Image: Daily Echo)

Should full approval be given by BCP Council, the plan involves builders giving a spruce up to the decaying exterior of the building that involves restoring the historic features. 

HLM Architects, on behalf of the Marriott hotel, said: “Significant deterioration in the condition of external facades to both buildings is clearly apparent.  

“Apart from being unsightly, this gives rise to long-term maintenance issues, notably the ingress of water.” 

To combat this, developers are proposing to fully render the outside of Collingwood. 

“Kerley is currently of painted brickwork. Whilst the application of render would create a complementary character with Collingwood and improve weather performance in what is a severe, marine environment, it is recognised that this may be perceived to marginally change the character of the building and that simple painting may therefore be preferred. 

“In both cases finishes would be breathable to protect/maintain the long-term condition of the historic fabric.” 

(Image: Daily Echo)

They added: “Like Collingwood, internally Kerley is in a poor state of repair, with more extensive damage to the existing fabric.  

“Again, some decorative woodwork is visible but is unlikely to be original, with similar modern features creating an inauthentic and visually confused appearance.” 

Collingwood and Kerley were built in the late-19th century and are both set behind the main hotel, built in 1873 as four grand houses. 

The architects added: “Together with the similar buildings directly adjacent Collingwood and Kerley present a clear character of historic hotel/villas to Kerley Road, though it is fair to say that all have seen ‘better days’.  

“The proposed restoration of Collingwood and Kerley should therefore be considered as an important first step in returning this part of the conservation area to former glories.”