ENGLISH folk music group Tarren will be performing at Lighthouse Poole in September.

Tarren, a collaborative project between Bristol-based artists Sid Goldsmith, Alex Garden, and Danny Pedler, began during the 2021 lockdowns, with the sharing of compositions online.

Their music, a fusion of cittern and concertina, fiddle and accordion, presents a fresh yet traditional sound, earning them standing ovations at Sidmouth, Broadstairs and Shrewsbury folk festivals.

Their debut album REVEL, released in 2022, was praised by critics and their new album, Outside Time, is set to be released on September 7.

Folk Radio UK said: "The sounds of fiddle and viola, cittern and English concertina, and accordion and hurdy gurdy have rarely sounded better, nor as much fun, as they do here – a testament to the talents of the trio and a confident and welcome signifier that English folk music is in very safe hands."

Folking.com said: "Tarren’s music feels traditional, but also fresh and original.

"It’s joyful, but with deep sensitivity."

Tarren will perform at Lighthouse Poole on Tuesday, September 17 at 7.30pm.

For tickets or more information, call 01202 280000 or visit lighthousepoole.co.uk.