A BOURNEMOUTH teenager has managed to get into his dream university after struggling with a brain injury since 2019. 

Will Sears, 18, from Bournemouth, has overcome a long battle against a brain injury to achieve a place at his dream university to study paramedic sciences. 

While on holiday in France in 2019, Will suffered a haemorrhagic stroke and continued to suffer from epileptic seizures after the incident.

Will's mum, Cherie Sears, said: "He suffered a stroke in France, got diagnosed with cerebral cavernous malformations, then had critical brain surgery just three years ago.

"Since then, he’s faced rehabilitation and recovery but has also become a fundraiser, taken on ambassadorial roles for charities close to his heart, spent the last year working for the foodbank, taught lots of kids to sail and tackled both his GCSEs and A Levels."

Given help from Roald Dahl's nurse, Kat Bottle, and Cherie, Will managed to achieve a miraculous recovery to be able to return to his studies and his passion for sailing, which he was told at one point he would never be able to do again. 

Cherie shared that the family have planned a huge amount of celebrations for her son which has included driving a Lamborghini around Thruxton Circuit in Hampshire and a holiday to go see the 37th America's Cup in Barcelona.

Cherie said: "He received his A Level results and is off to his first choice university to study BSc in Paramedic Science. A transformation from being so seriously ill and something we daren’t have dreamed about a few years ago.

"He’s celebrating with a cheeky Nando’s, a whizz around Thruxton in a Lamborghini and as much sailing as he can fit in before he enrols at uni.

"We are beyond grateful to the team at Great Ormond St and his specialist nurse, Kat, both have been lifesavers and his biggest champions.

"We couldn’t be prouder of everything he’s achieved and can’t wait to see what’s to come."