IF YOU are looking for a quirky restaurant where putting sushi and a roast dinner on the same plate is perfectly acceptable, then Cosmo is the place to go.

After opening more than two years ago, I may be one of the last locals to test out the all-you-can-eat international buffet, and it did not disappoint.

We entered the bustling restaurant, in St Peter’s Road in Bournemouth, on a busy Saturday evening and somehow the service and dining was still exceptional.

(Image: Newsquest)

We were sat by our server Carlos who offered us an array of drinks before delivering our choice of a passionfruit cooler mocktail and of course a Cosmopolitan.

After taking a quick taste of our drinks we were let loose on the huge buffet selection that stretches across the venue.

Dazzled by choice, my partner and I opted to make our way from left to right, starting with Asian cuisine.

(Image: Newsquest)

From duck wraps, noodles and spring rolls, our first plates were over-flowing with choices.

However, if you are visiting Cosmo I would suggest not making this mistake at the first hurdle as you will see our plates get comically smaller as the night goes on.

After our first selection, friendly servers checked up on us and whisked away our plates, ready for round two.

(Image: Newsquest)

Next up was Indian cuisine including the classics of curry, naan bread, poppadoms and onion bhajis.

At this point we were already full, but not willing to walk away from a challenge we moved onto the next section.

To most people it may appear strange to load your plate with roast beef and potato alongside carefully crafted sushi rolls, but in Cosmo that is perfectly okay.

(Image: Newsquest)

On the verge of defeat, the manager himself insisted we try the restaurant’s teppanyaki service where experts grill steaks and seafood in front of your eyes.

I am slightly embarrassed to say we could only handle a single gyoza each but next time I will make space for the sizzling steaks.

(Image: Newsquest)

And finally, when you think there is no way you could possibly eat another thing you are faced with a huge selection of deserts, an ice cream machine and a chocolate fountain.

(Image: Newsquest)

My dessert plate did look quite pathetic but at this point I was on the verge of collapse.

If you are looking for a restaurant that is great value for money, tastes amazing and where busy servers still have a smile on their face then I cannot recommend Cosmo enough.