A STRANDED kayaker stuck 600m off Avon Beach who capsized in the wake of a boat and lost his paddle had to be rescued. 

On August 27 at around 5.30pm, Mudeford RNLI was tasked with rescuing the kayaker off Avon Beach towards the Long Groyne at Hengistbury Head.

Although the passing vessel had returned to offer help, the RNLI crew launched at around 5.40pm and located the kayaker three minutes later before he was returned to shore at Mudeford Quay.

Justin O’Connell, Mudeford RNLI volunteer helm, said: "This shout was a great example of how the lifeguards and lifeboat crew work together to keep people safe on the water.

"Although the lifeguards had eyes on the casualty he was drifting too far out for them to get to. Their prompt action meant we could reach him in a few minutes and bring him to safety. We’re delighted he was recovered safe and well."

It was established the kayaker did not require medical attention and after the RNLI crew dropped off the casualty on shore, it returned to its lifeboat station at 6pm. 

This was Mudeford RNLI's 58th launch this year.