AN INDEPENDENT business owner is ‘raging’ after his café  in Bournemouth was broken into. 

Ed Watts owns Flirt, a vibrant café in The Triangle that holds engaging events and is known for its friendly atmosphere.

On August 28, Flirt was broken into by thieves who crowbarred the back door before fleeing the scene with money and inventory from the café’s safe.

According to Ed, other businesses in the area were also hit by burglars the same night.

He said: “I was very upset and raging yesterday morning because Flirt is my second home. I spend all my time here and it's all I care about.

“It's really, really upsetting and a horrible feeling of somebody that is out there to do harm.

“The time and the mental capacity to have to deal with this when we're all trying hard to survive, and then this problem comes along which you have to make number one priority.

“So instead of thinking about how you can grow and make your business survive, you're just thinking about how you can sort this problem that’s appeared out of nowhere.

“Then also the worry and anxiety comes, that comes from the police not coming out to see you and deal with it and the fear that it might happen again.

“But we will bounce back.”

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: “At 6.16am on Wednesday 28 August 2024, we received a report of a burglary at the Flirt café bar in The Triangle in Bournemouth.

“It is reported that entry was gained to the premises and cash was stolen. Enquiries into the incident are ongoing.

“No arrests have been made.”

Le Petit Prince in Westbourne was also targeted by thieves at around 4am on August 28.

Manager Ollie said: “As an independent business a situation like this hits us pretty hard. The cost of repairs and money stolen all adds up, we don’t have huge funds of money to dip into.

"Understandably the staffs are all quite shaken up by it too.”