DORSET Police are currently investigating its own officers and staff for misconduct involving violence against women.

A Freedom of Information request revealed the force are currently investigating seven officers and staff members for misconduct of violence against women and girls.

It comes less than a year after Dorset Police officer, Ravi Canhye, 47, was jailed for brutally raping a woman and sexually assaulting a second.

Canhye was jailed for 16 and a half years in October 2023 after the court heard he attacked his victim and “became an animal”.

A Dorset domestic violence and abuse support service, PARAGON, said it is confident in Dorset Police’s ability to root out staff and officers not suitable for the force.

Tonia Redvers, director of operations and business development, said: “The YOU Trusts’ domestic abuse and stalking team, Paragon, works with women and girls who are subjected to domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking and that means we have developed close working relationships with many officers in Dorset Police, the majority of which do excellent work. 

“We are confident in their ability to identify and remove those who are not suitable to be officers, and we are also confident that our feedback about practice, where we advocate on behalf of victim-survivors of domestic abuse is heard and addressed.

“Women and girls living in Dorset can be confident that their Paragon worker is trained to identify where offices may use coercive and controlling behaviours, and understand the impact of any breach of trust or abuse of position against women and girls. 

“We would always advocate and amplify the voices of people who are subjected to abusive behaviours.”

READ MORE: Dorset Police officer jailed for raping woman in Poole

A spokesperson said: “Dorset Police will continue to prioritise standards in our vetting and misconduct arrangements to ensure the public continue to have confidence in our procedures and those suitable for a role in policing. 

“We are confident the Force has the capability to identify and remove those who are not suitable to be officers or staff in our organisation whilst dealing robustly with those subject to criminal and misconduct offences. 

“The public should quite rightly have confidence the Force will work proactively to identify unprofessional and unethical behaviour, and when standards fall below expectations, swift action will be taken. 

“The force continues to focus on giving officers and staff the confidence to call out and report any abusive, inappropriate, misogynistic, or discriminatory behaviour.”