WIMBORNE Militia is set to hold a two-day festival celebrating the organisation's 25th anniversary. 

Taking place on the weekend of September 7 and 8, Wimborne Militia will host a wide range of events which includes cannon fire and a march on the Minster Green.

An encampment will be set up in the field near Julian's Bridge and will include several displays such as a 17th-century ordinance workshop, leatherworking and a chance to learn about the history of gunpowder.

A spokesperson for Wimborne Militia said: "The highlight and great for photos will be the canon firing from about 4.30pm with the 1812 overture,  allow time to park up and walk to the site as there is no parking in the field. 

"The Sunday blessing of our standards should also be a good photographic event as Cannon Andrew Rowland will be blessing our newly formed Austrian arm of the Militia as the fame of Wimborne being the "centre of the universe” (quote from musician Robert Fripp) has once again reached central Europe."

The festival has also promised a range of interactive arena displays which includes a paintball musket range and a pike drill.

For more information, visit Wimborne Minster's website.