A GROUP of elderly residents have shared their words of wisdom for children going back to school.

Residents at Parley Place Care Home sent messages of support to those returning or starting school this year.

Words of wisdom included ‘Smile and others will smile with you, each day is a new day’ from Alan, a resident.

Ivor, another resident wrote: ‘Be polite, respect others as they will respect you. It is important to work hard and you will achieve.’

Gina Smith, general manager of the home, said: “Residents have really enjoyed sharing their stories and thoughts about this time of year, the new school year always comes with a mixture of nerves and excitement, so we hope these pearls of wisdom from our residents are helpful to our local children.”

Parley Place is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering high-quality care across its care homes and hospitals.