A BAKERY in Lymington has reopened after it was temporarily closed to 'conduct a complete refresh' after it has struggled with business.

Dubbed as its 'official restart', The Cornish Bakery on Lymington High Street re-opened its doors on August 29 after it provided training for 13 staff members and gave the building a complete refresh. 

Opened in 2021, the bakery has admitted it hasn't performed to the standards it would hope to and hopes the strategic restart will help make the business more successful. 

Cornish Bakery Managing Director, Mat Finch said: “We are really pleased to mark a reset and restart in our Lymington bakery. 

"We are recognising that this is much needed, that previously things haven’t been quite right here, and we’re admitting this and taking critical, positive steps to invest in the property and most importantly the team, who are vital to the everyday success of all our bakeries. 

"We’re very proud to be a Lymington bakery and we’re inviting the great people of the town to reconsider Cornish Bakery as their chosen bakery and coffee spot.”

Moving forward, the company has promised to focus on positive community engagement and hopes to create a 'deep local connection'.

As part of the new strategy, it has forged a partnership with New Forest Young Carers and will support the organisation raise funds alongside continuing to support Lymington RNLI.

Mat said: “We truly believe a bakery should be part of the community so it’s great to hear that our new relationship with our charity partner New Forest Young Carers has come from within our new team, and that we’re continuing our support of the local RNLI.

"We’re looking forward to welcoming customers, new and old, into our refreshed and restarted, beautiful Lymington bakery whilst we activate our own ‘Aim Higher’ mantra.”

Known for its sausage rolls, the bakery offers a wide range of patisseries which includes a pistachio croissant, salted caramel roll, and a bacon and cheese croissant.

Alongside its food, it also offers tea towels and branded tote bags.

Lymington branch manager, Adelaide Lucas, and her refreshed team welcome customers to visit from 8am - 5pm every day of the week.