WET weather didn’t dampen the gunpowder of Wimborne’s famous Militia event over the weekend. 

The market town’s famous, red-coated reenactment group of 1685 welcomed visitors to a special, free family festival to celebrate their 25th anniversary. 

Visitors enjoyed a chance to experience the sounds, sights and smells of 17th century life with ancient living skills such as cooking courtesy of the Time Traveller’s Kitchen from 1666. 

On Saturday afternoon, September 7, Tchaikovsky’s iconic 1812 overture was performed as it was meant to be - with live cannon fire from Wimborne Militia. 

(Image: Paul Collins for Wimborne BID)

(Image: Paul Collins for Wimborne BID)

(Image: Paul Collins for Wimborne BID)

Chris Brown, town mayor’s sergeant for Wimborne Militia and the man who came up with the idea of reinstating a town militia 25 years ago, said: “We wanted to thank the people of Wimborne for all their support over the past 25 years with this special festival.” 

A military encampment came to life in a field just outside the town with a host of historical societies and experts from all over the country joining the event.  

There was also needleworking and armoury on show along with games and music from the past. 

Historical group Deeds of Arms presented life aboard a Royal Navy warship 200 years ago with visitors enjoying a chance to meet the men and women who fought against Napoleon. 

(Image: Paul Collins for Wimborne BID)

(Image: Paul Collins for Wimborne BID)

(Image: Paul Collins for Wimborne BID)

(Image: Paul Collins for Wimborne BID)

(Image: Paul Collins for Wimborne BID)

(Image: Paul Collins for Wimborne BID)

Mr Brown added: “Despite the weather we had a great day with our talkie tent packed out as people listened to an array of historical experts.  

“It was wonderful to see the living history depicting skills and aspects of life as would have been lived on these very fields hundreds of years ago.” 

Due to continued rain on Sunday and unsafe conditions underfoot, the morning’s events had to be cancelled.  

However, the weekend was rounded off in the afternoon with a formal recognition of an Austrian arm of the town’s militia, set up by former Wimborne resident and Wimborne militia member Kingsley Longfoot. 

Chris Brown said: “The Militia has expanded over the years, and it’s been wonderful this weekend to have the company of our newly formed Militia cohort all the way from Austria, complete with their own Standard.” 

This anniversary celebration was funded by the Wimborne Militia with support from Wimborne Minster Town Council and the Wimborne BID.