A CARE provider has confirmed staffing changes, including potential redundancies, are likely at BCP day centres.

An ongoing consultation process at Tricuro may result in several staff dismissals, affecting all five of its day centre locations.

Derek Law, interim managing director for Tricuro, said: "Tricuro is currently facilitating a staff consultation with all day service staff, which began on August 19, 2024.

"Due to the fact this is an ongoing consultation, it is not currently possible to provide a number for how many staff members will be given notice of redundancy."

A woman who manages another care home in the area told the Daily Echo that Tricuro employees had contacted her seeking jobs after hearing rumours they could be laid off.

She said: "If there are redundancies, it means that under CQC regulations, fewer people will be able to use the day centre.

"I understand the constraints of social care and BCP's financial situation, but cutting from the vulnerable is not the way forward.

"Once the cuts have come in place, there's no amount of shouting and screaming going to get jobs or services back."

An employee, who asked to remain anonymous, added: "BCP wants the same service but with fewer staff. They claimed to have saved day services, which they did, but they failed to mention that the money to pay staff wouldn't be provided."

The employee said several staff lost their jobs following the closure of Fairways Care Home in July.

Mr Law added: "Fairways Residential home has now been decommissioned by BCP Council.   "As a result, residents and families are currently being supported by the Council in finding new accommodation.

"Tricuro has consulted with affected staff although final outcomes are yet to be finalised."

BCP Council says it has been working with Tricuro to shift from building-based services to a more "community-based approach in order to provide more personalised, local, flexible, and cost-effective services for people".

Tricuro’s current day service provision accounts for approximately 70 per cent of BCP Council’s total budget for day opportunities.

In line with its strategy and financial requirements, BCP Council said it needs to reduce Tricuro’s building-based services budget significantly.  

The new strategy, particularly for day opportunities, was approved by the council's Cabinet on March 6.

Cllr David Brown, BCP Council's portfolio holder for health and well-being, said: "We understand this will be an anxious time and may be upsetting for Tricuro staff, and we are working together to ensure those that use our services continue to receive the best possible care."