A FISHERMAN has been ordered to pay costs and fines totalling more than £9,000 after breaching regulations.

Luke James was handed the charges by Southern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority (IFCA) for his catches off Poole Harbour. 

The defendant appeared at Poole Magistrates’ Court where he pleaded to charges of retaining on board his fishing vessel a quantity of manila clams that were below the minimum conservation reference size, and to failing to submit monthly catch returns to the Southern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority within stipulated deadlines.

Southern IFCA reported: “The court heard how on October 21, 2023, James was intercepted by officers who were aboard the Southern IFCA Fisheries Patrol Vessel Endeavour in the River Frome.

“James was driving his fishing vessel PE1218 Elmay downstream. Retained on board his vessel were between approximately 165kg of manila clams. An inspection of the catch revealed that an average of 42 per cent of the manila clams were below the minimum conservation reference size of 35mm.

“James initially explained to officers that he had picked up most of the catch from a friend at Wareham Quay.

“Scant contact details for the friend were provided and subsequent Southern IFCA enquiries, involving the seizure of CCTV evidence, proved that the details and account given by James were fictitious.

"James later admitted fabricating the story and confirmed that he had caught the manila clams earlier that day in the Wareham Channel, Poole Harbour.”

It was also reported the defendant had been late submitting his Southern IFCA monthly catch returns during the 2023 Poole Harbour dredge fishing season.

Southern IFCA said: “James was charged in relation to late submissions for the months of October and November 2023.

"The monthly catch returns provide the Southern IFCA with important information, including the dates, times, location, quantities and type of species caught within the harbour, enabling the IFCA to monitor stock levels and manage the fishery sustainably.”

As the master and sole owner of fishing vessel PE1218 Elmay, James was fined £1,800 for his breach of the minimum conservation reference size regulations and £500 for his breach of the Southern IFCA Poole Harbour Dredge Permit Byelaw and conditions.

He was ordered to pay the full £5,873.10 prosecution costs and a victim surcharge of £920, making a total of £9,093.10 for all fines and costs.

Principal deputy chief officer Sam Dell said: “This case sends a clear message that failing to comply with the regulations will not be tolerated.

"I would like to publicly thank the officers involved in this case and recognise their tenacious approach in pursing all lines of enquiry during this investigation.

"The Southern IFCA is committed to the protection of our shellfish stocks and coastal fisheries, ensuring healthy seas and a viable industry.

"By taking offenders to court we aim to support a sustainable local fishery.”