BOURNEMOUTH Rugby Club kick off their season with a tough test away at Farnham.

The Lions begin their Regional Two South Central campaign on Saturday in Surrey, after the side was relegated from Regional One South Central last term.

It has been a busy off season for the club, which saw it taken over by a new consortium of local businessmen Drew Mellor, Richard Carr and Matthew Barker acquiring the club.

It has also seen the return of Will Croker as director of rugby, and the appointment of David Dunn as head of rugby operations.

A new chairman of the club has also been appointed in retired diplomat Phil Sinkinson OBE.

(Image: Simon Carlton)

Farnham finished midtable in Regional Two last season and have recently appointed a new director of rugby.

However, beyond the new appointment, the Surrey side are something of an unknown for the Lions.

The visitors have changed nearly the entire side from last season, with personnel joining from a number of different places.

This includes debuts for Tom Gould at loosehead prop and for Ollie Smith at number 8.

There will also be a start for Ben Salisbury at fullback and David Scupham and Louis Parker in the centres.

(Image: Simon Carlton)

Bournemouth come into the clash off the back of a combative pre-season game against Royal Wooton Bassett, who play in the league above, last Saturday.

The Lions lost four tries to one, but showed glimpses of what is to come from the team once it gels through the season.

Will Croker, Bournemouth’s director of rugby, said: “Pre-season has gone really well in most parts, with recruitment going well and player retention which potentially was a problem, shoring up, creating a great squad environment.

“We have two tough games this weekend, away at Farnham and our second team are at home to Havant, who have been promoted to level four and recruited quite heavily, making this a really tough test.

“We’ve got a blend of old faces, with Sam Hardcastle coming out of retirement to help us, about to play his 400th game in all competitions.

“With Luca Firetto coming out of retirement as well, it gives us a solid, stable base.

(Image: Simon Carlton)

“Added to that, we have a number of new recruits who are eager to show their worth, and I’m delighted with how training has gone.

“Pre-season has been a little bit inconsistent with some of the fixtures cancelling at the last minute, but we feel we’ve got the most out of it that we can, and we can’t wait to get started.”

Bournemouth Rugby kick off their season at 3pm on Saturday, September 7.